A Letter to Savannah...
Oh baby girl! You are getting even harder to leave in the mornings. If you flash one of your big, gummy smiles before I head out the door, it warms my heart and shatters it all at the same time, because I'd love to just stay home and play with you ALL day. But alas, someone must work and that someone is me :)
You're up to a few new tricks. You often roll 75% of the way from your back to your tummy by yourself. You do it super easily if you get to hold onto dad's finger or momma gives a slight push to your hips at just the right second.
You really enjoy being on your tummy and reading books with mommy.
When I get home from work you want me to hold you right away and for a long time. If for some reason I start to put away your milk from what I pumped that day, you get mad and start to scream till I let daddy do it and he hands you over to me, and then all is right in your world again.
Last night we went for a long walk, because it was under 90 degrees. I wore you in the Mei Tai carrier facing in, but with your legs out. You looked all around the whole 45 minutes. And for most of it you were shining me or dad your adorable smile. You love looking at your daddy when he isn't looking, and then as soon as he turns your way, your face just lights up. I call it flirting, but I think you just love him with all of your heart and you're happiest when he is smiling.
We are transitioning you from being swaddled at night to being free. Inevitably, you get one or both arms out when you're in the Halo Swaddle Sack. Last night, you made it from 9:30-5:30 in a regular sleep sack. It's my favorite one because the pattern is bears, pine trees, bicycles, bows and arrows and cute clouds on it. You woke up once at 1am and I heard you babbling to yourself. I got up and stared at the monitor for a few minutes and laid back in bed confident you would put yourself back to sleep. And you did just a few minutes later. You woke up again at 5:30, hungry. I love starting my day off cuddling you and nursing you. Feeding you is one of my greatest joys of motherhood. I love all of that quality snuggle time we get together.
Speaking of eating, you ate 15 oz yesterday from daddy while I was at work! I was gone a long time, right around 11.5 hours. And you did awesome!
I pumped right around 15 oz, so I'm still keeping up with you. But if we need to dig into the freezer stash, that is ok with me.
I love you so much, Savannah. I thank God for you all the time. Maybe the reason He had us waiting for so long was so we would appreciate you with our whole beings. It worked :)
Pictures from June 1-20...Weeks 19-21
Playdate at Emily's with Finn and AddyMom and Dad's date to George Strait - longest night out so farMom broke her toe right before the first 5k of 2018So we cheered on Daddy together. He did great, 3rd place in his AG!Thursday Night Concert in the Park in BAFor weeks, you would wiggle yourself so that your head was touching the side of the crib. It didn't take long at all, just in the amount of time it took me to walk from your room to mineStory Time at the Central Library on Wednesday, June 6. Mommy was able to sneak away for an early lunch at 10. I walked there to meet you guys. You, me, Kristine, Addy, Emily and FinnYou've been sleeping with one or both arms out of your swaddle for a while. You're such a strong, wiggly little girl.I love all of your crazy faces :)On June 9, Mom and Dad rode 39 miles in the Tulsa Tough Piccolo. We had fun together and couldn't wait to get home to you.Daddy, you, Mason and Margaux at Tulsa Tough Saturday nightMimi came to visit you this week and care for you while Mommy and Daddy did their crazy ride. We made a new friend, Amela through Greg and Margaux. And we're SO glad to have met her, and her parents Lauren and Zach. She is just a couple of months older than you!We also got to meet Ellia and see Mason again!MiMi took us to Wild Fork before she had to fly home.Another Thursday night concert in BA! Your first time outside the house with shoes on.Mommy LOVES your baby snuggles, especially when you fall asleep on me.Transitioning to the sleep sack. Slowly, but surely. Bouncing Beethovens with DaddyYou found your feet and love holding them. We love you Savannah Marie!