Originally written June 22, 2017.
This first week of knowing I am pregnant has been surreal. Sharing the news with the people who have prayed the hardest and seen me cry the most tears over the last 5 years has been so amazing. I can feel their continued prayers every day.
Dave has been slow coming around to acknowledging the pregnancy. But today when he kissed me goodbye he briefly touched my belly too (might have been on accident, but it was with both hands so I'm counting it ;)).
I always assumed that this early in the pregnancy (5 weeks and 5 days today) that women didn't feel anything, except maybe a little morning sickness. I haven't felt nauseous at all. But I have been avoiding some things in the fridge that would usually be my go-to.
The day before I found out I was pregnant I cut up a fresh pineapple and portioned it out with cottage cheese. Well, all 3 servings have been sitting there ever since. I just can't bring myself to eat cottage cheese or pineapple.
The tiredness is for real. I've been working a ton - logged 59 hours last week in the office. So some of this may be unrelated to pregnancy, but as soon as I get home, I get in bed. It's even painful for me to make myself something to eat. Some nights I just want to skip food and crawl into bed. And for the most part, I've been sleeping hard at night. Sunday night before getting the 2nd beta back, I had a hard time staying asleep due to anxiety, but since getting that call, I've slept like a rock.
Bellyaches and pains. These are unexpected. They don't feel like period cramps. And today I haven't had many at all. Yesterday was a different story. All day I had aches and twinges in my belly and back. At times it felt like I was squishing one ovary at a time. And at different times, my back ached. None of it felt like my normal period cramps. But by 11pm (we saw the musical Matilda last night), I was convinced something was wrong. I was so relieved to not have any spotting and to sleep like a rock and wake up this morning and feel better.
Anxiety - maybe because this is my 3rd pregnancy, my anxiety has been through the roof some days. Today has been awesome though. I really enjoy reading Jesus Calling and looking up the scriptures for the day in my Bible.
I can feel the prayers of my friends lifting me and this baby up.
I am SO grateful for this pregnancy. I'm letting go of anxiety and embracing calm.
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