Happy 15 Weeks to my Sweet Savannah! (Current nickname - Sweet Cheekaroonis) (Past nicknames - Princess Pie, Sugar Buns)
I think it's safe to say we have finally made it past the Bottle Strike of 2018. So far this week, Savannah has been taking bottles from Dad. She is even nondiscriminatory taking from whatever bottle he offers. It's mostly breast milk, but because of the 2.5 week strike when I first returned to work, he mixes in about 1 scoop of formula per day to give her some extra calories.
We have been working extra hard on tummy time this week. And now we're going to up our vocal time with Savannah. We want to hear more coos from her. I usually hear lots of coos when she is on her changing table. But I want even more.
Hands - she is enthralled with her hands. She holds them together playing with her fingers, she shoves them in her mouth. Her hands are her favorite thing right now.
Momma Update - I was just staring at all my new silver sparkles since having Savannah. I noticed more as I was pregnant, but now some of them are long and intertwined with my full-length curls and not just sprouted at the top.
Working out is not happening. Evening walks with Dave and Savannah are happening, but that's not my style of working out. I love going to the gym and doing classes that have me dripping in sweat. I like going to the gym and doing swim workouts. I even count going to the gym and hitting it hard on the elliptical for 30 minutes. But none of that is happening at the moment. I've decided I'm going to give myself some grace. And first, I'm going to focus on sleep. I'm also going to attempt to cutback on some of the sweet treats and carbs. But honestly, I'm working hard feeding my baby, so if I want some pecan pie for mother's day, by golly I'm eating half of that pie (DAVE! - don't eat my half of the pie).
Weekly Notes:
13 Weeks:
She did a complete 180 in her crib sometime between 1:45 and 5:45am (This is now a regular occurrence and odd if she doesn't move through the night.)
14 Weeks:
She has been fighting daddy on taking milk while I'm gone, but she finally took 12 oz yesterday.
When I first came back to work, Savannah would give me the cold shoulder when I returned in the evenings. Sometimes it would take an hour before she would smile at me, although she would hungrily nurse, no smiles were given. Thankfully during week 14 she is no longer giving me the cold shoulder and she just wants to cuddle for a couple of hours. I LOVE it!
She sleeps through the night except when I wake her to eat. But half the time she sleeps through that too.
She fits best into 3 month clothing, even though we still put her in some of our favorite 0-3 month clothes.
She take 3-4 45 minute naps during the day.
She still doesn't like tummy time.
15 Weeks:
My only note is that she weighed 10 lbs 10 oz.
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