Tuesday, July 2, 2019

17 Months!

Savannah Marie is 17 months old!

Savannah LOVES:
Rocks (She calls them "la")
Bikes (she points out every one she sees)
Pushing in chairs (she does this at home and restaurants)
The big blue goose float in the pool next door. She can see it from her window.
Shoes- Especially other people's shoes. She will go up and point to them. She will drag mommy and daddy's shoes all around the house if we don't put them away.

Savannah loves to eat salmon. She also likes Kraft Singles. She will still eat broccoli, green beans and most fruit.

She can eat cereal and milk with a spoon. This started right after she turned 16 months, and I find it SO impressive.

Savannah wears size 4 overnight diapers and is finishing out all of her size 3 daytime diapers.

Savannah wears 12-18 month dresses and pants. She pretty much can only comfortably wear 18 month pjs. The 12 month are too short in the legs, crotch or arms.

Her foot has grown so much lately. It kinda feels like she skipped right over size 4 shoes and went from a 3 to a 5.

She is great about wearing bows. Sometimes she even asks for one.

Almost all of the words she can say starts with "B." I mentioned this to her dad, and he said that when she was tiny, he would repeat "B" words to her over and over.

Her words include:

Non-B words:
Nay-Nay (for no)

Savannah seems to understand almost everything we say. If we ask her to do something, she will usually do it. Something she continually does that is disobedient is turning on the tub faucet approximately one million times during her bath. She also likes to plug the tub once I've started letting the water out.

She used to cry while she was getting dried off after bath time. So I started a crazy routine of wrapping her and unwrapping her in a towel while shouting out different types of Mexican food. I'll throw the towel open on the bed, with her in the middle and shout out "Chicken Burrito" while rolling her up in it. Repeat with "Chicken Enchiladas," "Sopapillas!" "Chips and Guacamole." Usually she just laughs and laughs.

She really likes to brush her teeth. This gives her access to another faucet - the sink.

She still likes her Minnie Mouse Ride-On airplane, although she is too big to ride it. She enjoys pushing it around.

She likes to drink out of regular cups with assistance.

She does ok with whole milk, although it seems she still enjoys breastmilk more.

She sleeps through the night once out of every 3-4 nights, but most of the time, she still wakes up for a cuddle and nursing session with mommy.

Savannah is learning how to jump and does this cute one leg at a time hop thing. She likes to run places. She giggles and giggles and likes to be chased. She knows where the neighborhood park is and heads in that direction every night that we go for a walk.

Savannah Marie Jordan - We love you so much. You make us laugh every hour. I cry when I'm not with you enough. I let you cuddle with me in the middle of the night because I don't want to regret not sleeping with my baby girl while I had the chance. You are a true light in our lives.

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