Originally written August 10, 2017
Size of Baby: Baby J is the size of a plum, a little over 2 inches and about half an ounce in weight!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 164.5, up 4.5 lbs so far. I really wanted to stay within the recommended 1-5 pound weight gain for first trimester. One more week to go till first trimester is officially over! Yesterday the baby measured 12 weeks and 2 days. But I'll still count Thursdays as the beginning of a new week, since the due date is 2/22.
Maternity Clothes: I'm in them most of the time now. This week I've worn lots of dresses, including my new yellow one and red one from the Loft. The yellow one isn't maternity, but the red one is. I wore the maternity skinny jeans to my appointment yesterday.
Movement: I know I won't be able to feel the baby for a while. But a couple nights ago as I was trying to get comfortable and fall asleep, I was laying on my side, and I could feel a pulse or flutter on my skin in my lower left belly. It kinda felt like blood pumping. I'm sure it wasn't the baby and was probably some weird muscle twitch or something. But I loved it cause I think that might be what the baby will feel like in 8-10 weeks.
Sleep: Pretty darn bad this week. Last night I ended up going into the living room at 3, and I was up till 4:15 with the lights on. And then when I went back to sleep I had the weirdest dreams! One was about socks jumping around the living room by themselves. And the second was me trying to protect kids I was babysitting from some imminent danger, that I don't know what it was, but I was telling them to wield knives and such. So creepy!
What I Miss: Wine. Twice this week I have had meals where a glass of red zin would have been lovely. I had a Myrtles leadership team meeting at Laura's, where she served lasagna with salad and garlic bread. And last night, Dave and I went to Flemings to celebrate the wonderful appointment we had yesterday.
Cravings: Hmmm, cravings fell off this week. I can't think of anything I was particularly craving. I still crave meat and salt in general though. Sweets, even the idea of them, make my stomach curl.
Symptoms: I was going to report that this week had been pretty good since Monday. And then this morning, I brushed my teeth and promptly started dry heaving and vomiting yellow bile into the toilet. D I S G U S T I N G! I hate throwing up. But baby is doing good, and right now, that's all that matters.
I'm still super tired. I pretty much want to nap every day at 2pm, which is not a surprise since I'm sleeping horribly at night.
Best Moment this Week: This week has been SO amazing. So many wonderful things have happened.
I got our first onesie gift! Laura Corbin gave me this when I left her house Monday night. It immediately made me tear up.
Tulsa had a horrible tornado on Saturday night. 4 tornados are confirmed to have touched down, and the one in Tulsa was an EF2. It caused tons of damage at 41st and Yale. It was baby's first time to hear the sirens and run to the bathroom (while in my belly of course). But we survived - everyone did. And there was no damage in our neighborhood that I could tell.
Friday, when I got home from work, I noticed 2 packages outside our door. As I got closer I saw they were from destinationmaternity.com. I freaked out, cause I thought I had ordered maternity clothes without realizing it. I immediately texted my mom and asked if she had ordered a bunch of clothes, but then I saw the packing slip, and they were from Aunt Joanie!!! I was so surprised and excited. She got me so many items that it took 3 days before I had tried everything on. She did awesome!!! I will go to the mall tomorrow and try to exchange a few things, but for the most part, I loved everything. But more than that, I loved that she was thinking of us.
Here are a couple of my favorite tops she sent.
Moments with Dave this Week: I loved being with Dave at the appointment yesterday. First off, he calmed me down when I was crying at home before we left. I was a mess with anxiety. But he washed it away and prayed for me and our baby. During the ultrasound, which lasts maybe 1 minute, 2 minutes at most, he kept leaning over in front of me to see the screen Dr. Martin was looking at, even though there is a huge TV monitor on the wall. I had to tell him 3 times to move out of my way so I could see the baby. He was clearly excited :)
I also loved going to Flemings with him last night. I'm guessing we will need to soak up as many of these date nights as possible now. The chef gave us some truffles to take home. I wonder if the blue bow means it's a boy!
Milestones: Apparently baby has fingers and toes and is moving them! For me, I think it's time to tell a few people at work, like Monica :)
What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting the uptick in energy and the nausea ending. But more than anything, I want to enjoy and savor every single day of this pregnancy. I have been looking forward to it for so long. I am going to continue to push the anxiety aside and just truly enjoy it.
Favorite Quote from a Stranger this Week: When I made our reservations for Flemings, I put that a "new baby" was cause for our celebration. So the hostess and our waiter both said "Congratulations on the new baby!" I had to explain it's still inside, but it was awesome to hear the congratulations!
What the Doctor Said this Week: She said the baby is doing great! She didn't appear to measure the baby's neck, and she didn't say a word about blood testing for genetics. She is laid back, and I love that about her. Because that's what I need right now to counter my anxiety. She said baby was measuring 12 weeks 2 days yesterday, and that next appointment she will be able to tell us the gender. She said she was proud of me for actually making it 4 weeks between appointments. She has not once said anything about my weight (which again, I love). My blood pressure was high 157/87, but she wasn't concerned because she knows how nervous I am when I'm there. I took it again this morning and it was 132/78.
Weirdest Thing I ate this Week: I can't think of anything super weird. But I did tell Tia a couple days ago I was pregnant, because she saw me unpack my food for the day. I brought pork tenderloin, a huge serving of mashed potatoes, a brand new jar of olives, an orange and 2 string cheeses.
Verse I'm Clinging to this Week: Psalm 139 "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb." "Oh Lord, you have searched me and know me." I love it, the whole chapter!
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