Monday, October 30, 2017

15 Weeks!

Originally written September 1, 2017

Size of Baby: Baby J is the size of a navel orange, 4 inches and 2.5 ounces in weight!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 165.5, up 5.5 lbs so far. Same as last week.

Maternity Clothes: So far this week I wore a normal dress Monday, maternity jeans Tuesday and today, and yesterday black maternity work pants a friend gave me. I loved them. They were SO comfy.

Movement: Still too early to feel movement.

Sleep: My snoogle has helped alot. I'm only getting up twice in the night to pee, and most of the time I'm sleeping pretty hard in between those 2 wake-ups. My dreams have continued to be outrageous. One night this week I had a dream about my Varsity cheerleading squad being asked to perform somewhere so we had a week to pull a routine together. I came up with the whole thing in my sleep, and I was the only girl who couldn't fit into my cheerleading skirt from Jr year of highschool.

What I Miss: Jimmy John's! We had a work meeting yesterday, and Roger suggested we order JJ's, but I asked if we could have pizza instead so I wouldn't have to make a big deal about heating up my sandwich.

Cravings: Still been thinking about Caesar salads. Lunch meat, which is ironic. And yesterday, I started craving the cream cheese red pepper dip that Debbie makes. It's so delicious. And served with big Fritos scoops. I will be making myself some of that for this weekend.

Symptoms: Still dealing with some nausea. Heart burn. Headaches, about 2 this week. Raging hunger sometimes. Oh, and the one no one talks about...constipation. Time for me to break out the Miralax again.

Best Moment this Week: Amber sent the sweetest pregnancy box. It had tons of teas, ginger chews, Baby Wise and oils and lotions.

Moments with Dave this Week: We did Baby's First 5K together on Saturday morning in Muskogee. We had no idea before we got there, but it ended up being cross-country style. Thankfully I was already decided on walking the whole thing. But when it started as running across a football field and then going into random fields, I was super glad I was just walking. It was the perfect set-up for twisting an ankle.

I still managed to keep under 45 minutes and did it in a 14:33 pace, or something like that.

Dave and I have also been purging stuff from the house and Saturday we went through alot of pictures. Please look at how cute he was.

Milestones: Dave finally told Kevin and Hannah at family dinner on Sunday night! I'm so glad that cat is out of the bag. They were our last big people to tell before we do a FB announcement.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Seeing if the nausea and exhaustion really go away with the 2nd trimester :) Cause so far, no dice.

Favorite Quote from a Stranger this Week: Hmmmm, can't think of one. So I'll tell you my food aversions instead. Sugar, fruit, specifically pineapple (although I did eat some on pizza yesterday), ground meat (makes me gag). And pizza pretty much sounds good for all meals, 3x a day.

(East Village Bohemian Pizza Monday night for Dinner Club)

What the Doctor Said this Week: N/A Next doctor's appointment is September 6.

Weirdest Thing I ate this Week: I skipped dinner altogether last night because of headache plus exhaustion. And then I woke up this morning to read The Bump update and baby is growing more than ever and needs nutrition. So today I've had raisin bran with milk, a butt load of Chex Mix (trying to keep nausea away), yummy Hide-Away salad leftover from yesterday, and cantaloupe. Oh, and one piece of pizza :)

Verse I'm Clinging to this Week: Psalm 139 "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb." "Oh Lord, you have searched me and know me." I love it, the whole chapter! Same as last week.

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