Wednesday, November 1, 2017

23 Weeks!

Originally written October 25, 2017

Size of Baby: Baby J is the size of a grapefruit, 11.3 inches and 1.10 pounds in weight! We've finally made it into pounds!!!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 175.5 pounds, up 15.5 pounds so far. This is the first week that I had a day where the baby actually felt heavy in my gut. She was sitting very low yesterday, and I kept trying to get her to move up a little.

Analyzing the Numbers: My brain loves numbers, so I am always thinking in them. I realized this week that we have less than 4 months left till Baby J's due date. I also realized that we have officially known we were pregnant for 1 week longer than we have left being pregnant. It really does fly by. Those first months are spent counting every second wanting to be closer and closer to the end of the first trimester, when risks are substantially decreased. Right now, I'm in a phase of "time please slow down." I want to savor being pregnant. I hear there is a time at the end, where it's like "c'mon baby, just be born yet." But I want little girl to bake as long as possible.

Maternity Clothes: All the time. Yesterday I put on pair of very stretchy non-maternity jeans. Checked myself out in the mirror about 5 minutes, and switched into maternity jeans. I no longer can pull off any non-maternity pants. Even workout pants, I'm always going for one of my three pairs of maternity ones. Thank goodness Dave does laundry all the time.

Movement: Oh yes. The last two days at work, I've even felt her moving while I'm sitting at my desk. It's like little poufs of air or jabs very low down in my belly.

Sleep: Oh sleep....last night I fell asleep on the couch watching the World Series right before 8pm. I woke up during the 7th inning stretch, right at 9pm and made my way to the bedroom. I thought for sure I'd wake up early and rearing to go this morning. I woke up at 5, went to the bathroom and went right back to bed. When I woke up the next time it was 6:26!!!! This little pumpkin must be taking out a lot of me (and daddy...he joined me for all 10.5 hours of sleep).

What I Miss: Jimmy John's. I've already told Dave that I want my first meal post delivery to be a #1 Pepe with light mayo and hot peppers. :)

Cravings: Nothing too crazy this week. I had a movie night Monday with Anna, Adri and Megan. I had my heart set on Little Caesars. I went to the closest one to Adri's house and it was closed for construction. I freaked out and drove 15 minutes to get to the next one. I ended up being late for movie night and arrived in tears because I was so freaking hungry! (Poor Megan made a non-offensive comment of "Oh, you look so pregnant!" She hasn't seen me in almost a month. With my hormones and hunger raging, I asked her if that was a fat comment. And then my tears ensued.) Sorry Megan - love you!

Clearly, I still have a thing for pizza. Although, I have always loved pizza. I don't think I've ever eaten this much of it.

Symptoms: My boobs have been hurting again this week. I pee many times in the middle of the night. I threw up Tuesday morning after I brushed my teeth. My carpal tunnel does seem a little better. And I've had a ring stuck on my finger for about 5 weeks. I can still spin it around, just can't get it over my knuckle. But I haven't tried too hard to get it off. I will this weekend though. We're supposed to get near freezing, so I'll just go stand outside for a while and see if it helps. :)

Best Moment this Week: Our favorite moment this week was having one of Dave's best friends, Nate, and his wife Angie and their 1 year old little boy, Brendan spend the weekend with us. They arrived Saturday right after lunch and left Sunday after lunch. Brendan has just started walking. And that little boy smiled more than anyone I know! He was always smiling. It was awesome and made us both even more excited to be parents.

Milestones: I called HR today to tell them I was pregnant and get the information on maternity leave.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Seeing baby girl on ultrasound next Wednesday!

What the Doctor Said this Week: N/A Next appointment is Wednesday, November 1.

Weirdest Thing I ate this Week: Probably just now. I'm not feeling the greatest today, so I couldn't handle the idea of breakfast. At 10:30 I finally ate...a couple of Little Caesar's breadsticks with marinara, one piece of pizza and a container of blackberries.

What the update said for this week: Baby's face is fully developed, now it just needs to add fat to fill out.

Verse I'm Clinging to this Week: Numbers 10:29 "The Lord has promised good things."


  1. Oh, B! I love you and all your crazy preggers hormonal moments. I’m just so happy you’re getting to experience this and I get to be your snarky friend and support you on this journey.

    1. Ha! Love you too! Thanks for being there for me, snarky and all :)

  2. You look amazing, Belinda! I love that smile on your face!

    1. Thank you, Shalimar! Best cheerleader ever!!!! (And prayer partner :))
