Monday, January 1, 2018

31 Weeks!

Originally written December 21, 2017 and January 4, 2017

Size of Baby: If I had to guess, I would say Savannah weighs 3 pounds 15 ounces, just adding on half a pound since our doctor's appointment last week. According to the bump app, she is 16.1 inches, and the size of asparagus. That makes no sense to me, maybe a bunch of asparagus?

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 184 this week, up 24 pounds total.

Maternity Clothes: Two of my favorite pairs of maternity jeans really aren't staying up anymore. The belly band part is starting to slide down because my belly has gotten bigger and then my pants become all droopy. If anyone has any tips on this, I'd love to hear it.

Weird Moment This Week: Update on my weird moments from last week. What I thought was my first stretch mark is gone. The constellation of red dots were hormones I guess.

My first friend noticed my belly button poking out this week. It went from not even being flat to protruding super fast.

Where is Baby: Baby loves hanging out on my left side. She thinks 9:30-10pm is party time. Daddy puts his hand on my belly and she just dances away. I've noticed if we go on super long walks before bed or if I go on long walks in the morning before work, she is much calmer. I'm guessing the motion rocks her to sleep.

Sleep: I've taken the Snoogle out of the bed for a couple weeks, and I'm sleeping pretty decent. I also cut down my fish oil to half, and my heartburn doesn't seem to be as bad in the middle of the night. I still have very bizarre dreams. And twice this week I've woken up with a huge cramp in my right butt cheek, almost as if the whole cheek is seized up. Not sure what that is all about. I probably need to sleep with a small pillow between my knees.

What I Miss: Strangely, still cold deli meat. I never even knew I liked it that much.

Cravings: I'm craving fried chicken again, actually thinking of picking up some on my way home tonight.

Symptoms: Heartburn deluxe. I'd like to note that I woke up 3 times to pee last night BEFORE midnight. I didn't go to bed till 10pm. Luckily, I slept from midnight till 4:45 without waking up again, which is pretty amazing.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Christmas in Kansas City!

What the Doctor Said this Week: N/A - Next doctor's appointments are on Wednesday, December 27. I'm hoping for a good report. My resting heart rate has gone from 85 to 79 since starting the blood pressure medicine last Thursday. I wish I could say my blood pressure readings have gone down too, but unfortunately I haven't seen much of a dip.

Prayer for this upcoming week: That the blood pressure medicine will help bring my numbers down, especially at my next appointments on the 27th. We will continue seeing both Dr. Jones and Dr. Martin for the continuation of the pregnancy.

Random Pictures from the 31st Week!

Dave offered to make me lunch one morning. I asked for a ham sandwich. When I got to work, this is what was in my bag :)

Belly Shots Throughout Week 31
Early in the morning

Late at Night

Christmas Celebrations!

I received this at the Myrtles ornament exchange. I love it, and it matched my Red and White theme for the tree perfectly!

I wish I could get Dave to do more of this :)

Verse for the Week

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