Tuesday, January 2, 2018

33 Weeks!

Originally written January 2, 2018

First, an explanation as to why we're already on week 33 and it's not Thursday yet.

Dr. Jones, our MFM doctor, has our due date as February 18, strictly going off of my last period. Since he is the one calling the shots from now on, I thought it best to start aligning my thinking of our weekly updates in terms of his due date, and not the original February 22 due date my doctor gave me based off of our 6 week ultrasound measurements.

So Sunday is our new day to flip the week from one to the next!

Week 33 in pictures!

Due to a wind chill advisory, where the wind chill got down to -10 this weekend, I did not leave the house on Sunday at all. I stayed in my pj's all day long!

For a really really long time, Dave had set aside the weekend of NYE for setting up the nursery. He wanted to wait till most of our showers were over (we still have one small one at his mom's house mostly for family and her neighborhood ladies). He likes to do things in an efficient manner, and thought the best, most efficient way of setting up the nursery would be to wait till we had most of the things and we could just touch everything once. What I'm not sure he took into account is how big I would feel at this point in the pregnancy. And how hard it is for me to get on and off the ground and help lift things. We did the best we could, and it all worked out. I can't lie. There were several tears this weekend and little outbursts due to my hormones. But what else can be expected for a 33 week pregnant woman? :)

Big daddy setting up the crib

The white glider is from Debbie and Nathan's sun porch. Dave loves it. I'm ok with it. The cushions already matched the room. And we didn't have to pay a dime. If it doesn't work once Savannah arrives, we will re-evaluate. We hadn't planned on using it, but Saturday night we went over to their house for me to test it out, and it seemed a good fit.

I already had the blue ottoman from my nesting ottomans in the relaxation room. I bought the bear box for storage in her room, and we're currently using it to hold books. We registered for the lamp, and the little suitcases on top of the dresser are from the SA shower decorations (Thank you Erin!) The little book on top of the suitcases is about the National Parks, which was the original theme I was thinking for her room. But in reality her room isn't so much a theme, as it is a color scheme and a mash up of things we love.

Originally, we were going to leave the dresser in the guest room, where it's been the last 3.5 years. But we both decided it'd be nice to have a little extra storage for clothes, crib sheets, burp cloths, etc. The super cool story behind this dresser is that it was Nathan's (Dave's dad). He wrote a letter to Santa asking for this specific dresser when he was 7 years old. His mom intercepted the letter, which he had placed in his mailbox, and that Christmas, this is what he got. Someone in his immediate family has been using it ever since. I love that Savannah will have a nice piece of furniture from her Grandpa.

The changing table is a piece of furniture we picked up about 7 years ago from the antique shops in Jenks. We both loved it right away and thought it would make a perfect changing table. We used it for years in our first house as a TV stand in the master bedroom. Since we moved into this house, it's been in the nursery/exercise room and still had a TV on it for a long time. I'm SO glad we are finally going to use it for what we intended :)

The canvas of me and Dave above the changing table is from December 31, 2007, the morning after Dave proposed in Kansas City along brush creek. It felt surreal working in her nursery with that picture hanging exactly 10 years after it was taken. It's been hanging in that spot since we moved into that house. Amber surprised me with the canvas as an engagement gift 10 years ago :)

The diaper cake is from the shower Catherine hosted! I know it won't stay there forever, but it seems a good place for now. We registered for the pink cubes, and one holds the toys Savannah will play with for her first 6 months, and the other holds blankets.

The framed picture on the wall is also from the decorations Catherine had at the shower. It says "Let Her Sleep, For When She Wakes, She Will Move Mountains." The little basket and pillows on the floor probably won't stay there.

We set up this mini pack and play together. We'll probably have Savannah sleeping in it in our room for the first month or so. Thank you Jason and Aymie Carson for handing this down to us. It is much smaller than our regular pack and play and has a nice vibrating feature under the bassinet mat to help soothe Savannah when she needs it.

Having anything but a bare crib is a big no-no, so the elephant, boppy and blanket being in here is just for decoration. Thanks to mom and Ron for the crib! Thanks to Granny for the crib mattress! We received 4 super cute sheets at the showers. The elephant is from Mary. It is so soft and cuddly, and I imagine it will show up in pictures for quite a while. The boppy is a hand-me-down from Melissa, and had this super cute green print cover on it. I discovered it last night, when I took off a cover that was on top of it. The hand knit blanket is from my friend, Emily. It's a rainbow blanket, and we love it!

The family that lived in this house before us used this room as a nursery. The green paint and the saying on the wall above the crib has been there since we moved in. I remember Dave calling me into his office in the old house and having me look at the listing and pictures of this home. When he got to the nursery pictures, I immediately started crying. We had already been trying for a baby for 22 months by the time we found this house. And my heart was in pieces over not having gotten pregnant yet. But I just knew I wanted that house with that nursery. It was perfect. We've left it the same ever since we moved in. In April, after Dave told me he was ready to stop trying for a child, I ran into the nursery and was about to rip the decal off the wall, literally. Thankfully he caught me and told me not to do anything too hastily. That was confusing, considering what he had just told me, but I said ok, and agreed to leave it for a little while longer. Little did we know that in a couple of months we would conceive, and our baby would be a girl. That's a very special decal for our very special baby.

Last night after our very quick outing (30 minutes at the gym so I could get some walking in and our annual Barnes and Nobles run to pick up our planners), we decided to get some pictures with the 33 week sign. Then Dave said we should take a picture of my flat belly button. I'm all about taking as many belly pictures as possible to document this time in our lives. :)

This is the only thing left to hang up in her room for now, unless I get my act together and print some of our maternity photos for her wall. Erin used it as decoration at the SA shower, and I knew I wanted it for her nursery. We're planning on hanging it on the wall with the dresser.

The closet with her clothes and shoes. The other side of the closet still houses our camping supplies :)

This is the due date predictor calendar Catherine had at the shower. At this point, I would guess Sam, Jess, Kristine, Monica and Jenny are in the top runnings!

Random Facts from Week 33: I was craving strawberry soda for several days. So after prenatal yoga on Saturday morning (only my 3rd time to go so far this pregnancy), I did my grocery shopping and picked up a bottle of Fanta Strawberry soda. What the heck? I have never bought or drank that in my life. But somehow it totally hit the spot.

We see Dr. Jones tomorrow for a growth scan. I'm excited to see my girl again!


  1. The decal thing made my eyes leak a little. I love you and little Savannah so much already!

  2. I hadn't even read Lindsay's comment yet and I was also going to put that the decal story made me a little misty eyed..not gonna lie! Also, having a glider has been awesome! I use it almost every day to read to Martin and it glides so smoothly and helps him drift off to sleep. I heard from another mother that they had wanted one and instead had gotten a rocker hand me down from their mother in law and have been unhappy with it ever since. haha!

    1. I do love the glider feel. Luckily, this one is a glider, and we have Lauren and Todd's old one in our relaxation room. That way, if visitors want to glide with her, they can. Thanks for reading Adri!!!
