Monday, October 30, 2017

11 Weeks

Originally written August 3, 2017

Size of Baby: Baby J is the size of a lime and as long as 1.61 inches!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 164.0, up 4 lbs so far. I really wanted to stay within the recommended 1-5 pound weight gain for first trimester. So hopefully this slows down a bit, because I don't think first trimester is officially over till 14 weeks.

Maternity Clothes: I scored a big bag of clothes from Melissa. There are tons of t-shirts and 3 pairs of maternity jeans that are perfect for where I'm at right now and hopefully will last another month or two. They have a low belly band, and 2 of the pairs fit perfect through the butt and legs. One pair gives me some room to grow into. She also gave me a belly band, which I wore once this week, but I didn't really feel like it helped smooth things out that well. I did the whole rubberband trick with my pants. I can still squeeze my pants shut, but I'd rather not constrict baby J.

Catherine brought over a great pair of Loft Maternity work pants. I love them.

Movement: No real movement, but man, some serious pains if I move a certain way. I sneezed yesterday and it hurt my right ovary so bad. And then today I laid down to pop my back and when I twisted to the left, I got a pain in my lower left abdomen.

Sleep: Other than Tuesday night, where I only slept for 4.5 hours, my sleep has been decent this week. Yesterday I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30. If Dave hadn't moved me, I think I would have slept till 3 in the morning. And then I would have woken up starving, very starving.

What I Miss: Hmmmm, I'm going to give it to kombucha again. Dave has been drinking alot of it, and I kinda wish I could have some.

Cravings: Pizza. I feel like I could happily eat pizza for any meal. We had a Red Baron cheese pizza last night topped with mandarin oranges, and I loved it.

Symptoms: The last few days I have had some serious bouts with nausea and exhaustion. I thought I was on the upswing, but the last 2 days have proven otherwise. Yesterday I thought about leaving work, which I think was due to my lack of sleep. But since around 2pm today I have been feeling really nauseas, and it's 5:45!

My nipples have still been extra sensitive and my boobs very sore this week.

I've also been extremely tired, especially in the afternoons. I wish I could take a 2 hour nap every single day. It doesn't help that I've been having a hard time going back to bed after my 4am pee trip :)

Best Moment this Week: It was pretty awesome wearing maternity jeans for the first time on Monday :)

Moments with Dave this Week: Catherine asked me on Tuesday if I had started looking into daycares or if Debbie was going to watch the baby. I started doing some research on daycares and what was available around us. That night I told Dave "Hey, I started looking at daycares today." And he said "stop right there. Before you say anything else, I would really like to stay at home with the baby for a few years." That was huge. I had so many mixed emotions. And I didn't sleep well that night at all. But after thinking about it a few days, and making a pros and cons list, I think that it would be amazing for our whole family if Dave stayed home with the baby - at least for the first year. Then I would love for him to work 2-3 days a week after that. Or at least I think that's what I would want at this moment.

Milestones: I can't believe the baby is a size of a lime! We are finally out of the berries. And of course, wearing maternity clothes for the first time this week.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Now I'm really really really looking forward to our appointment on Wednesday morning.

Favorite Quote from a Stranger this Week: Nothing from a stranger, but Debbie sent me a text yesterday asking if she can tell her neighborhood ladies next Friday. I think it's so cute that she is so excited, but I told her let's just wait and see how the appointment goes on Wednesday.

What the Doctor Said this Week: N/A Next doctor appointment is August 9!

Weirdest Thing I ate this Week: Hmmmm, I can't think of anything too weird I ate this week. But I did wake up absolutely starving Thursday 4:10 am!!! I went ahead and got out of bed, ate some Fruit Loops and blueberries, and I was able to be back asleep around 5:15. I have never done anything like that in my life.

Verse I'm Clinging to this Week: I haven't been very good about getting into my Bible this week. I need to do ALOT better. I did love my August 1 daily calendar "Let yourself believe in great things - God is in the habit of making them happen."

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